Life in Korea

Sometimes, life in Korea can get very suffocating.

Everybody, is like everybody else. And it is considered (mostly unconsciously, I think) something to strive for.

Standing in line at cafes, marts, wherever – 9 out of 10 times the person(s) standing in line behind me has no concept of personal space. It almost feels as if they’re about to make the payment on my behalf.

If I stand my ground, they usually don’t budge and this often results in unwanted physical contact. Unwanted on my part, I don’t know about the others – they don’t seem to mind or care or even notice much.

If I don’t stand my ground, and adjust to regain my personal space, haha they just inch closer as if it’s a sign that I am finally done and they can finally order theirs woohoo, when, actually, I’m not done ordering. I just wanted some space.

You can’t say things you want to here, unless you’re ready and willing to put up with the predictable reaction by many, if not most, “Oh, you shouldn’t say/ask things like that.”

There is an invisible but clearly established set of common boundaries one’s actions and words should fall into, but paradoxically enough, no-one really seems to pay attention to individual boundaries – as if no-one could have their own unique set of boundaries. No. We must give where everyone else gives, and hold back where everyone holds back.

So, what kind of life does that result in?

Fifty-some million human beings, precious souls, thinking that what they’re living is a life of their own, when actually, everyone is just copying everyone else to maintain some status quo or semblance of peace that dare not be jeopardized who knows why? (I admit, I am making generalizations here. I am sure there are many out there, Korean-Koreans, even, who feel the same way I’m feeling)

But, even the “different” ones seem to find solace in how they belong to a conformed group of “different” beings.

It’s rarely about someone just being.

Just being themselves.

No, it’s gotta be an us vs. them situation.

Are you one of us, or are you not?

Am I one of them, or am I not?



There are many things about Korea, though, that I do like. Enjoy. Find comfort in.

But during brunch just now, I had the passing thought that maybe, I don’t want to live here.

Just a passing thought, though.

and i am really posting this? TMI self-psycho-analysis and things about my past. and present.

the feeling is as though i am transitioning through lesson after lesson after lesson, without time to leisurely digest and process, review. like, i did the homework, so now, here’s your next assignment.

(wait – did I actually do the homework???)

like a crash course on How To Human 101.

or like, How To Ascend 101.

I feel I am belaboring this topic. This whole dialectic between Human Me and Spirit Me…


I have not been kind to myself these past few days.

I even used a coarse descriptor I don’t think I’ve ever used in my life, to describe, of all people, me!

I am sorry for that…


Maybe all this is TMI.

But sometimes, writing seems to bring me closer to sanity.

I feel many “writers” could relate?



It might have something to do with my attitude toward my lifestyle behaviors that may or may not have their roots in a lifelong situationship with learned helplessness. Conflict, inner, arises, because I don’t want(?) to be/feel/believe that I am/was a “victim” and/or truly helpless.

But it’s like, is this toxic positivity? Am I in denial? (let the self-psycho-analysis begin, woohoo)

For starters, I recently reviewed all of the places I have moved to/lived in since birth, and the final count came to something like 27 moves, across 4 different countries.

I am 35 years old.

Meaning, with the exception of a magical 8 years dotted throughout my history, where I did not move, if I do the math and round down(?)up(?)*, I have moved almost once a year, every single year of my life.

*Math stopped being a subject I was confident in a long time ago. Though one time, during Jr. High or Highschool, I took a summer school course on Trigonometry/Permutations/Probability something like that, and for the final exam extra credit question, the teacher gave me a compliment I will never forget (for many reasons, but one reason being that I took this class at the smartest high school in our neighborhood, home to many a math geniuses – not my actual high school). The compliment was: “This is the closest I’ve seen anyone come to solving this problem in ten years.”

Boy did that make me feel happy/proud. Not sure if it made me feel smart, though – there were many smart math people at school, and in my family – my brother right below me, he would enter national math olympiads and such and get placed, nationally!

I have digressed, but I think instinctively, not without reason.

I was always happy to be moving around, it never bothered me, or so I thought. But, I think what eventually ended up happening (to my body) was that I got so tired of moving around and having to adjust to all of these new places, environments, people, languages, that I stopped trying in certain ways, in life. I know it sounds like “an excuse.” I am sure there are other people out there with much more serious problems and incomparable/unimaginable childhoods, and I fully acknowledge that what I am feeling a need to write about here, can very well be classified as a first-world problem.

Spoiled brat that I’ve been this week…

Anyways, one of the points I wanted to make with all of this reminiscing and “sounding weak” is, that, recent as well as non-recent health issues I’ve had in my life, now, in retrospect, seem to point to a very plausible explanation/possibility that I am just f*king burnt out.

Adrenal fatigue, is it?

On an organ-level, I think I had been on the decline from very long ago, but oh Youth, in all its blind passion and ambition, carried me across the vast, blue sea of my twenties in a daze, in a rather rickety and turbulent fashion.

And here I am now.

Feeling maybe like I’m not a somebody anymore (wanted to avoid using the word “nobody” – words are thoughts are beliefs yay let’s keep that positive mindset going – feeling quite cynical today/past few days yeep), but also not sure if I give a funsicle about that anymore either. Being a somebody.

Again, it’s the whole old me vs. new me situation here. Do I care? Do I not? Yes. No. Yes. No….

It’s so human of me to consider this a relatively consistent and mildly agonizing theme to have repetitive inner dialogues about in my head, huh.



Despite the potentially seeming negative coloring of my above reflections, I would like to assure my readers that I am fine.

I think the lessons I’m learning especially this summer is to therefore prioritize my health. To recover my sense of safety so that I’m not continuing to live life feeling like I’m “on the run” – ah, just realized I have even more to say on this topic!!! But if I say it all here, this WordPress post will become a low-key memoir and I don’t want to get into all of that now…I think.

Anyway, regarding my health – I admit I do keep forgetting. I’ll feel like I’m regaining my health and then get on this super high of feeling like I’m on top of the world, over-exert myself, and not pay as meticulous attention to my diet, and then the dip down to some sort of a low starts back up.

Moderation, man. Moderation, Minjoo. Don’t forget. Keep things balanced. Let’s.


Feeling like ending this post as abruptly as it got a bit personal. Haha.

But I gotta say, I think I already feel better.

Writing can be so magical.


Have a great day.

more about that dream that came true, vaguely, abstractly, etc.

in more modern lingo:

Dear Universe,

I don’t think I can handle any more blows.

But if it’s coming, I really can’t refuse, and I must be ready for it – right?

If I wasn’t, it wouldn’t be happening…


And what I mean by “blow,” it’s really actually a hug from the Universe’s perspective, right?


I just don’t know how much more I can take.

And beyond me, I am not sure how much more she can take.

We are strong in different ways, but she is getting older.


There is no one I can talk to, who can help.

So I just write.

Because I can’t help but feel that you are listening, Universe.


I don’t apologize for my shortcomings, because I don’t think you are here to collect apologies from us.

And to apologize would be to perspectivize it all in a way that suggests You, too, are imperfect as am I.

But I know You are not imperfect.

I am of You. Not, “You are of me.” Though….in some ways you are. Of me, that is. Not imperfect.


The one writing this, me, wordly me, I am sure, is blowing things way out of proportion as is common for human beings to do, when they still belong to a certain level of consciousness/vibrational frequency.


Maybe I wouldn’t be feeling like making a big deal out of this if I looked at the incident as an isolated event.

But I guess when patterns are noticed in life and causation is pondered about, and long histories reviewed, things and events can’t help but to appear bigger than the relatively small, singular incident that they appear in the form of, in a new moment.


So my two selves continue this sort of farce of a tug of war.

I say it’s a farce, because I know who’s going to win.

But the old/lesser me (not labeled as such in condescension, just in absolute, objective comparison to the newer/greater “me” I am transitioning into more fully becoming) that has been dying at a rapid speed, especially this past year, is acting like a spirit whose body faced a premature death and now does not realize they are dead.

So she tugs.

And she doesn’t even realize no-one is tugging back.

It’s all a grand illusion.


I have work to do.

Before the storm arrives, full-force.

Ideally. I would complete it before.

But at this point, honestly, I dramatically throw my two hands up in the air,

and just smile.

That’s all.

briefly about time

my time,


it flashes.

it flickers

faintly, lately.

does not feel like mine.

not always. sometimes.

greatly, lately.

i go with it




other alternatives don’t appear feasible to me.


for now.

i just go with it.

a translation, of

Entering September, reflecting on my “lately” (in Korean…)

Lately, I have been coming face to face with new limits as well as new possibilities, simultaneously.

It feels as though I am continuously dying and coming to life at the same time.


When do I let go?

How hard am I supposed to keep trying?

When to say no,

And when to go for it…these considerations continue…


Is this something I need to overcome through effort, for growth?

Or is this something I need to accept as not my own?


Oh, life – how you keep things interesting.

Entering September, reflecting on my “lately” (in Korean…)

요즘은 매일같이 나의 새로운 한계와, 새로운 가능성들을 동시에 마주치고 있다.

죽음과 살아남을 동시에 계속 겪고 있는 느낌이다.


어디서부터 내려놓고 포기해야 하는지,

어디까지 노력해봐야 하는지,

적절한 거절의 타이밍과

적절한 도전의 타이밍에 대한 계속적인 고려 중…


노력을 통한 성장이 필요한 과제인지,

나의 것이 아니라는 깔끔한 인정이 필요한 것인지!


Oh, life – how you keep things interesting.

sudden search for Care before the Family meets the Girl

and to all the places where Care belonged,


only either Chaos or Neglect were to be found.

Sometimes searches in cupboards,

and bones

boxes and blood

revealed the untold story of haphazard decisions

thwarted plans

effort, stopped.

White flags stained and holey – was there even ever a battle truly fought?


Or do you mean stained-glass window-like, holy? Was it Divine Providence?


life never went that way.

that way you knew of.

that Care-full way.


I don’t want to speak for Future. She cannot be spoken for.

And Now, it calls to me to take a walk.

I cannot say no.


So, Care – dare I attempt to bring you to life Now?

Send you to all the corners that you belong?

All the tips of each movement of these fingers that remain suspended in limbo not knowing ___________ ???
