Sing Songy Mood

Lately, I’ve been listening to a lot of music that I used to listen to a lot a long time ago. I feel like for some time I hadn’t really been listening to music for me, the way that I used to when I was a little girl. I used to love listening to music and singing. Living situations have a lot to do with how comfortable this little girl feels coming back to show herself to me. And, hopefully, my neighbors are out or not too bothered, but the past two days, especially, I’ve really been feeling it – I don’t go all out, but I have been singing out loud. And it feels so good. So. Good. I feel warm all over. Better. I just feel better.

My current playlist is below, these are songs I want to master (for the most part – some are just in there because I like, not necessarily “to learn”) :).

And I definitely have more songs to add here. Slowly but surely!

Going Somewhere

Good morning.

Each day comes and goes, and I look at the coming and going, sometimes hard, sometimes barely, sometimes quizzically.

I run.

Around the track of a high school football field, measured in 24 hours

where at one end I am filled with gratitude and hope

and at the other I am brought down to my knees

a portal opening to past lifetimes

I don’t understand, but I can just see

try to remember

try to pick up any lessons unlearned

details left uncovered

I run wondering where I am going

if I am circling this track the right way

I see how others have passed

I see how behind I am

A constant battle between, “It’s not too late – you can begin now!” and “Oh no, will I ever make it?”

If only night were day and day were night

Maybe I’d be going somewhere…