You’re 35 Now :)

What does that mean to you, my dear?

Half of seventy.

Quite a while.

But still early.

Different than what I expected.

I still feel about a decade-ish gap between my body’s age and the age I feel inside, if I were to designate a single age to that essence, spirit part of myself.

3 and 5 – odd numbers.

Together, they sum to 8.

I like that. 8.

Turn it on its side and it becomes a symbol for eternity.

It feels balanced, whole, happy.

Looks like a snowman. Very a propos to the season.

Can it look like a new start?

Lived enough to take off the training wheels? Start riding a big girl’s bike now?

Ready to be a big girl now?

Yes, I think so.

Gosh, looking back…

My first decade (let’s say from age 5 to 15) – a lot of learning. Learning the language of life. Life in Korea. Life in Canada. Life in the states. Just getting started, busy just being.

My second decade (15 to 25) – a lot of doing. Going to school, studying, extracurricular activities, graduating, interning, getting a job. Winning. I won things in this decade.

My third decade (25 to 35) – a lot of loving. Dating, falling in love, experimenting, crossing lines, learning my limits, getting my heart broken, breaking other people’s hearts. Losing. I lost things in this decade.

My next decade (35 to 45) – I would like it to be a decade of fruit-bearing. Taking everything I’ve learned and done, all of my experiences loving and living, and using them as building blocks to create myself and my life with more intention and awareness. A decade of creating a positive cycle of building and fruit-bearing. A decade perhaps where I’m no longer carrying the donkey of life on my back, but enjoying riding on the back of the stallion of life.

And the decade after that (45 to 55)? Who knows, haha – Maybe I’ll be married in this decade? Maybe I will have accomplished my goals in the previous decade, and am setting new goals to achieve for this decade and onwards? Will I be preparing for retirement? Will I have gotten a dog in this decade? Interesting to note that I have friends who are currently living this decade…They felt so close to me, but when I look at this decade (45 to 55 zone), compared to the prior decade (the 35 to 45, which I am now entering), for myself, it feels worlds apart.

I believe the next twenty years of my life is going to be pretty amazing. I can’t wait to live it.

May this first year of the next twenty amazing years of my life be one of continued self-care, self-love, beautification, efforting the right way, making both tangible and intangible accomplishments, growth, dedication to co-creation, keeping the faith, and the springs of hope alive despite the natural ups and downs the year will inevitably present to us all.

Happy Birthday, Me.

Don’t ever forget how special you are.


Me 🙂