what my heart knows – “murmuration”

via Daily Prompt: Murmuration


Murmuration. Murmuration..

It’s been a few months,

a rather long duration…

I tried to ignore it.

But I knew that I heard it.

Soon after we started

The first murmur was detected

You were not in love,

My dear, were you not?

He is too young.

He is too rash.

He is too earnest.

These murmurs persisted.

It’s too good to be true,

Such fortune to befall you?


Don’t fall for it

It’s a scam,

Best run for it.

And these murmurs, they lasted

And lasted,


I sat, and I listened

I sat, and I listened.


It’s been a few months,

quite a long duration…

He will come around,

He’ll come back.


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